“The facelifted Harrier looks sharp, has a premium cabin with loads of features and tech, and prioritises safety with a 5-star rating in both Bharat NCAP and Global NCAP. However, it only comes with a diesel engine, which while offering good performance, isn't the most refined and can be noisy.”
The Tata Harrier is a mid-size SUV priced between Rs 15.49 lakh and Rs 26.44 lakh (ex-showroom). The Harrier is a rival to SUVs like the Mahindra XUV700, MG Hector and Jeep Compass. This SUV gets a modern design inside and out, and comes with premium features along with a diesel powertrain, which makes it a desirable family car, but there are some small issues you should know before considering buying the Harrier.